Hult Center for Healthy Living was awarded grant funds from the Illinois State Dental Society!

Hult Center for Healthy Living was awarded grant funds from the Illinois State Dental Society!

We’re so excited to announce that Hult Center was awarded funds to support the “Tooth or Consequences” Dental Health Education for Pre-K Children!

Dental health was ranked among the top ten health concerns among respondents in the Peoria Tri-County area, according to the Community Health Needs Assessment (2019). This assessment also noted significant Social Determinants of Health as is relates to dental health, as it was determined that dental care tends to be lower for Black people, Latino people, and Peoria County residents. This program aims to provide dental health education and resources to pre-k students at risk for poor dental health; 1,000 students will benefit from this program!



Thank you, ISDS and ISDS Foundation!